Monday, June 30, 2008

What in the world?!?!

That is exactly what we were saying on Saturday night when both of our boys were getting in the tub and this is what greeted us!! This "rash" was all over the boys upper legs and bottom area. I immediately called my dad, the nurse, to get medical advice. He said to apply hydrocortizone cream and give them benadryl. By that night, Mason seemed to be responding to the medicine and improving a bit. Nathan, however, was covered!! I called after hours just to make sure I shouldn't take action. The nurse said it was probably just an allergic reaction to something, but I couldn't think of anything "new" that would have caused this. Well, the boys have had a cough that I thought was allergies for a couple of weeks and I wanted to take them in for that anyway and now this so we made an appointment for Sunday morning. David took them because I needed to go to church, and come to find out they both had walking pneumonia!! I had no idea. Speaking of having no idea...Mason also had a double ear infection!!! They are responding great to the antibiotic!!

Funny story - today we were in the car (I had to go turn in a utility bill to the school to prove we still live in this house) and I mentioned that a friend of mine was taking her little girl to the doctor. The boys had to know why of course and I tried to give them the easy answer by saying she has a big cough like you and her mommy wants the doctor to check her. Mason said, "you mean she has walking pneumonia?" Too big for his britches I tell you!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Foam Zone

The weather here yesterday was beautiful and I decided we'd head to the zoo. We are used to visiting the Knoxville Zoo, which we love, and I had been procrastinating taking the boys to our zoo because let's just say it is lacking. But the boys have been asking and when the weatherman said we were looking at 80 and low humidity, I figured it's now or not!! They did have a new area called the "foam zone" which the boys LOVED!! Unfortunately, it was priced separately from the zoo and they could only play for a few minutes per token. It made fun pictures though!!
