A little bird warned me that if I didn't update my blog soon I might loose my life behind a shed?!?! So I thought I better hop to it!! I could have written a million things over the summer about the fun things we did, but I suppose I was spending more time enjoying my kids than updating the blog. I'll give a brief summary...as soon as school let out the boys and I headed to Pigeon Forge with Gigi for our annual summer kick-off getaway. Thanks to her we were able to spend a few nights at the Wilderness of the Smokies hotel/water park. It was so much fun!! We highly recommend visiting there. Although it was exhausting for me because I had to keep climbing those stairs to ride the water slides with each of the boys since daddy wasn't there! After that Mason and Nathan stayed with Gigi and Pop for a week while I went home to do Summer Quest and then I returned to Knoxville for another week to enjoy Concord Quest and celebrate mine and Stan's birthdays. On our birthday weekend Nanny, Buddy, Beth, Brandon, and Paula all came in both for the celebrations and to visit with Brock (and everyone else)!! The rest of June was pretty quiet (I think)!! In July we spent a week at the beach with David's family. We had a great time, but it was nice to get back to a more quiet routine. To finish off the summer we took a trip to Atlanta with Mom, Dad, Nanny, and Buddy. We went to a Braves game and Six Flags while we were there. The game was great...six flags, not so much!!! The kids are too young for that heat and long lines. We'll try again someday! The boys went back to Knoxville with Gigi and Pop for one last hoorah and I joined them on Wednesday. We enjoyed spending lots of time with Brock, Uncle Stan, and Aunt Darby too. David had been in Chicago for the week so he flew into Knoxville on Saturday and we went to Ye Ole Steakhouse for dinner because in all these years David had never been there!! It was delicious as always. So this week it's been back to routine. The boys started 1st grade and are enjoying it so far. It's been a struggle to get them used to stopping playing long enough to do their nightly reading and get in bed at a good time. Mason usually has lots to share about his day. Nathan...its like pulling teeth. That comes as no surprise to most of you I know!! Well, I tried to make it brief, but didn't want to leave anything out. Hopefully I didn't. I'm only including pictures from the last adventure. Thought I'd only post a couple, but that was impossible so I made a slideshow. Sorry!!